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“surgical diathermies”
A procedure that uses an electrical current to stop bleeding and to cause destruction of tissue: Electrocoagulation is a therapeutic destructive form of electrosurgery in which tissue is hardened by the passage of a high-frequency current from an electric cautery device.
Surgical diathermy is a method of sealing blood vessels using heat generated by a high-frequency electric current through fine needles or an electrical surgical knife.
The procedure is used during surgery to close newly cut vessels and it can also be used to stop nosebleeds and to remove vascular deformities.
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ag-, agen-, act-, agi-, agit-
(page 7)
-ation, -ization (-iz[e] + -ation); -isation (British spelling variation)
(page 33)
coagulo-, coagul-
(page 1)
electro-, electr-, electri-
(page 26)
thermo-, therm-, thermi-, -thermia, -therm, -thermal, -thermic, -thermias, -thermies, -thermous, -thermy
(page 5)